Well I managed to steal another hour in the garage today. Actually the first hour was spent out on the driveway, i began to remove the brake flexi lines from the rear ofthe beemer, and they look to be in a good serviceable condition so will be re-used on the locost.
I was however unable to remove the calipers as the bolts are stuck fast, and I need my electric impact gun to get them off - which is still away with Machine Mart getting fixed. I may just buy some more sockets to replace the ones i broke removing the wheels which may allow me to remove them manually but money is a little tight at the mo so we'll see.
When it began to rain I moved inside into the garage and had a go at finishing the steering shaft. I modified the new extension shaft I had recieved from CBS and cut my old shaft down to suit it. They fit together nicely, but my welder is all out of wire, and as these are critical welds, i will wait till I have plenty wire to finish this - probably on the weekend.
With some time left over I decided to make use of it by starting the next item on the list and plan out the routing of the solid and flexi brake lines. I think i have it all mapped out but I need to compete the removal of the flexi lines from the beemer, and install the front calipers to actually start it.
So I moved on to the next item (that's item 4 for those keeping score) and started to modify the propshaft. I cut out the centre universal joint - there is another one at the diff end, and lined up the 2 ends together. The rear end is small the than the front but may slide within it before it's welded up. With that I ran out of time before giving up for the day and coming to work.
So as a recap here's where i am right now:
1. Finish steering - wed up steering shaft, rack mounts. Re-cut threads on track control arms when die finally arrives from china. Assemble and test.
2. Recondition rear axle assembly - remove calipers and remaining flexi lines from BMW and install, along with connecting solid brake lines.
3. Install front brakes and plumb brakes - basic routing planned but mostly still to do. Front lines will be installed when engine is removed for step 4.
4. Modify propshaft and replace clutch - prop started, clutch just a normal service item, though new bolts will have to be sourced.
Once all these items have been achieved, I will have completed all the major mechaincal systems and the car will have full running gear, steering and brakes. Then i can get on with More interesting things!