Hi everyone, this webspace is going to be my build diary for my Locost car.
For anyone who doesn't know, "Locost" is the now generic name for all cars based (allbeit loosely) on the Lotus 7 that have been home built from scratch, not necessarily from a kit purchased from a kit car manufacturer. Ron Champion began this whole thing with his book "Build your own sports car for £250". His car was based around a Mk 2 1300cc Ford Escort. Well mine is going to be similar in looks, but enlarged both widthways and lengthways as I am using a rather larger BMW 5-series as my donor vehicle.
Also the £250 idea has gone straight out of the window as well, my donor 1993 BMW 530i already cost me £650!
Yes that's right, a 530i. To be more specific, it's a 3 litre, 218bhp 32v V8 engined monster. At least, it was before I started taking it to bits. At present the engine is still in it but much of it'd life support system has been disconnected. Here it is with it's top cover removed, and most of the plumbing disconnected. Just need to get underneath and unbolt the gearbox and exhausts and it's nearly ready to lift out!

I'll add more pictures and other stuff as the build progresses, but don't expect it to be too often, i'm planning this buold to take at least a year, probably 2.
But do check back every now and then, and do email me if I havent posted in a while.
Thanks for looking!